Latest Polls Show My Path to Victory

Published by Randy Hynes on

New polls show a massive groundswell of support for my independent presidential campaign, which has sent shockwaves through the two major parties and the mainstream media. According to a new national poll by Quinnipiac University, I beat Trump and Biden among voters ages 18-34 RFK, Jr.’s Policies + PoliticsRead More

New polls show a massive groundswell of support for my independent presidential campaign, which has sent shockwaves through the two major parties and the mainstream media.

According to a new national poll by Quinnipiac University, I beat Trump and Biden among voters ages 18-34 with 38% of the vote compared to Biden’s 32% and Trump’s 27%.

I am also outpacing Biden and Trump among independent voters, with 36% compared to 31% for Biden and 30% for Trump.

Another recent poll conducted by The New York Times and Siena College shows that I am closing the gap on Trump and Biden in six battleground states — AZ, GA, MI, NV, PA, and WI — where I come within single digits of the two-party candidates. In these six battleground states, I beat Trump and Biden among 18-44 year olds.

24% of all registered voters across the six battleground states polled by NYT/Siena said they would vote for me in a race against Biden and Trump. In a three-way race, a candidate can win a state with as little as 34% of the vote, and we are still one year from the election!

What makes me most hopeful for our country is that in the NYT/Siena poll, I drew support equally from across both parties, all races, and men and women.

These results follow a recent Harvard/Harris poll showing I have a much higher popularity rating than either Biden or Trump.

The media is starting to take notice that my campaign is shaping up to be the strongest independent presidential campaign in more than a century and that I could be the first independent U.S. president since George Washington.

Even my detractors in the mainstream corporate media are being forced to admit that my recent poll numbers are extraordinary. They are scrambling to explain the sea change in American politics that is taking place. Check out this panicked headline from Vanity Fair:

Our opponents and critics are worried, as they can now see from the newest polls that our people-powered, independent campaign has a clear path to the White House in 2024.

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