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AV24, the Super PAC Supporting Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s Surging Candidacy, to Spend Between $10M-$15M to Pursue Ballot Access in Ten Pivotal States

Today, American Values 2024 (AV24), the super PAC supporting Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s presidential candidacy, announced its intent to pursue ballot access in pivotal states independent of the campaign. The targeted states include Arizona, California, Colorado, Georgia Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Nevada, New York, and Texas. These ten states represent approximately half of the required signatures nationwide. AV24 is embarking on an independent ballot access campaign and stands ready to address all requisite tasks that it may undertake independently and within the bounds of the law, which further solidifies the organization’s commitment to ensure Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s path to the White House. This list may change upon additional Read more…

Notes from the Campaign Trail

Edition #3 Dear Americans, When friends ask me how I got to be the Director of Communications for the Kennedy Campaign, it usually triggers a flashback to David Byrne, the lead singer of The Talking Heads, in one of my favorite music videos. It’s 1981—the year my generation was blessed with the invention of MTV—and Byrne sings:…And you may find yourself in another part of the worldAnd you may find yourself behind the wheel of a large automobileAnd you may find yourself in a beautiful house, with a beautiful wifeAnd you may ask yourself, “Well, how did I get here?” Read more…


Reposted from X Aaron Everitt @loanly_hipster I realize that my videos are long and probably not designed for the fast paced world we’re in, so I wanted to highlight the last portion of the Gen X video. I have spent some time going back and breaking through some old preconceived notions about what I’ve always thought about politics in America. One of those is how I’ve viewed both JFK and RFK. I’ve been going through their speeches and books that have been written about them and I’m finding myself more convinced than ever that what I was told about them Read more…

This is a crucial moment in our campaign.

Authentic change in politics comes from just one place – the collective will of the people. Today, we invite you to step into a movement that is reshaping the political landscape. As RFK Jr. surges in the polls, he needs your support to cross a major threshold: inclusion on the ballot next November. “Your support” means you personally, because we are aspiring to 100% participation.  This is a crucial moment in our campaign. Unlike the two party candidates, an independent must gather signatures in every state to get on the ballot. Now more than ever, your contribution holds the key to transforming mere Read more…

We scored a HUGE victory for We The People!

We scored a HUGE victory for We The People! Our team sued Utah Lt. Governor Deidre Henderson and Ryan Cowley, the Director of Elections of the State of Utah, over the Beehive State’s unconstitutional early filing deadline that prevents ballot access for independent presidential candidates. Our lawsuit rightly claimed, “[T]he current deadline is the earliest deadline ever sought to be imposed on independent presidential candidates in the modern era. No federal court has ever upheld a January deadline [for independent presidential candidates].” THE GOOD NEWS IS Lt. Governor Henderson agreed with us and moved Utah’s unconstitutional ballot access deadline from Jan. 8, 2024 to March Read more…

Border Poses Humanitarian AND Security Crisis

President Biden’s border policy represents a national security threat to the United States of America — and a threat to the wellbeing and dignity of the migrants themselves. RFK Jr. didn’t believe this himself until he visited the border and saw why with his own eyes.  Migrants coming from all over the world, not just Latin AmericaMigrants robbed, exploited, separated from family by the criminal cartels who run the whole operation.Fentanyl flooding through the border along with the migrants.The number of suspected international terrorists apprehended by Border Patrol this year reached an all time high: 172.  And it’s not just Read more…

Why We Need RFK, Jr.: Russia, Ukraine, and the Slide Into Nuclear War

Thank you, Daniel Kovalik, for your thoughtful and timely piece — “Why We Need RFK, Jr.” — in The Kennedy Beacon Substack about our urgent need for peace in Ukraine. Dan discusses my own policy for peace, referencing the successful efforts of my father and uncle in ending the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis — a crisis that nearly brought the U.S. into a nuclear conflict with the Soviet Union. RFK, Jr.’s Policies + PoliticsRead More Thank you, Daniel Kovalik, for your thoughtful and timely piece — “Why We Need RFK, Jr.” — in The Kennedy Beacon Substack about our urgent need Read more…

‘It’s Time to Reject the Brainwashing and Think for Ourselves’

Thanks, David Talbot, for writing two perceptive and frankly scary columns over the last two weeks for “The Kennedy Beacon” Substack — “All the News the CIA Sees Fit to Print” and “How Jack Ryan Captured Hollywood.” Today, Talbot explains how the rigid national security mindset has even captured publications like Rolling Stone, once the home of countercultural free thinking, and writers like Tom Hayden, David Harris, Dick Goodwin — and frankly me. RFK, Jr.’s Policies + PoliticsRead More Thanks, David Talbot, for writing two perceptive and frankly scary columns over the last two weeks for “The Kennedy Beacon” Substack — Read more…

As President, I Am Going to End the Humanitarian Crisis at the Border

America today is facing a terrible humanitarian crisis. You may have seen the images of migrants sleeping on the sidewalks of New York and other cities, or read the statistics about how many migrants have entered the country illegally. You may have read the stories of how these migrants suffer at the hands of drug cartels, human traffickers, and exploitative employers. RFK, Jr.’s Policies + PoliticsRead More America today is facing a terrible humanitarian crisis. You may have seen the images of migrants sleeping on the sidewalks of New York and other cities, or read the statistics about how many migrants Read more…

How to Restore America’s Middle Class

I grew up during the heyday of American economic prosperity. It was in the 1950s and 1960s that the archetype of the American Dream was born. It was not something available only to a lucky few; it was within the reach of most Americans. Yes, some were left out, notably African-Americans and Native Americans, but for a golden moment we all believed that we would someday soon eradicate poverty in those communities too, and usher in an age of universal prosperity. RFK, Jr.’s Policies + PoliticsRead More I grew up during the heyday of American economic prosperity. It was in the Read more…

JFK’s Assassination Cut Short My Uncle’s Vision for America, But We Can Redeem It

President John F. Kennedy’s assassination 60 years ago today left an indelible scar on the American psyche that transcended my family’s loss of an uncle, brother, husband, and father. That national trauma robbed us of something else that day. With him died a vision for our country that we may yet bring back to life. True, much of his legacy — such as his championship of civil rights, desegregation, and the space program — remains with us today, but America has abandoned the goal and vision that he prized most highly: the vision of America as a peaceful nation. RFK, Jr.’s Read more…

Maui’s Tragic Wildfires Remind Us of Need to Restore Our Environment, Heal Our Divide

My heart and prayers go out to the victims of the devastating wildfires in Maui that have claimed at least 96 lives so far and destroyed thousands of homes and businesses in and around the historic town of Lahaina. Thoughts and prayers are not enough, however, as Americans demand to know how we can prevent such destructive wildfires in the future. RFK, Jr.’s Policies + PoliticsRead More My heart and prayers go out to the victims of the devastating wildfires in Maui that have claimed at least 96 lives so far and destroyed thousands of homes and businesses in and around Read more…

For Capitalism to Work, Labor Must Be Strong

I am a believer in capitalism. And for capitalism to work, labor must be able to bargain collectively to maintain decent working conditions and keep a fair share of its productivity. I walked the picket line again this weekend with hotel housekeepers striking against inhumane working conditions, including anti-strike violence by Fairmont Miramar Hotel in Los Angeles. RFK, Jr.’s Policies + PoliticsRead More I am a believer in capitalism. And for capitalism to work, labor must be able to bargain collectively to maintain decent working conditions and keep a fair share of its productivity. I walked the picket line again this Read more…

Open Letter to the DNC

Dear Chairman Harrison and Members of the DNC, I know some of you well. A few of you are among my oldest friends. Others of you I have never met. But all of you are my family, as public servants and fellow Americans. Families tell one another the truth, as best we are able with grace and love and, above all, with candor. When we take wrong turns, or fail to live up to our best selves, it is our family’s responsibility to hold up a mirror and recall us back to our true purpose and highest self-expression. And so Read more…

Oliver Anthony’s Remedy for the ‘Rich Men North of Richmond’

Striking a deep chord with millions of increasingly desperate Americans, Oliver Anthony’s self-recorded musical lament, “Rich Men North of Richmond,” rocketed to the number one spot on the charts in August, amassing more than 66 million views on YouTube alone. RFK, Jr.’s Policies + PoliticsRead More Striking a deep chord with millions of increasingly desperate Americans, Oliver Anthony’s self-recorded musical lament, “Rich Men North of Richmond,” rocketed to the number one spot on the charts in August, amassing more than 66 million views on YouTube alone. One commenter observed, “He’s not just a country singer. He’s a singer for our country.” Read more…

Today, I Declared Myself an Independent Candidate for President

Today, I declared myself an independent candidate for President of the United States of America. And more than that, I joined my voice with all the people who are fed up and all the people who are hopeful, to make a new Declaration of Independence for our entire nation. RFK, Jr.’s Policies + PoliticsRead More Today, I declared myself an independent candidate for President of the United States of America.  And more than that, I joined my voice with all the people who are fed up and all the people who are hopeful, to make a new Declaration of Independence for Read more…

Southern Border Crossings Hit Record High — I Will End This Humanitarian and National Security Crisis

U.S. border officials encountered more migrants crossing the southern border in fiscal year 2023 than any other year on record. This is the third record-setting year in a row. U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) reported more than 2.47 million encounters at the southern border RFK, Jr.’s Policies + PoliticsRead More U.S. border officials encountered more migrants crossing the southern border in fiscal year 2023 than any other year on record. This is the third record-setting year in a row. U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) reported more than 2.47 million encounters at the southern border in fiscal year 2023, exceeding Read more…

I’m Now Independent of Two-Party Politics But Still Dependent on One Thing: The American People

As you may know, I recently declared myself as an independent candidate for President. “Independent” doesn’t just mean I’m independent of the two parties. It also means I’m independent of their traditional funders, all the corporate donors, Big Tech, Big Pharma, Wall Street, and the rest. RFK, Jr.’s Policies + PoliticsRead More As you may know, I recently declared myself as an independent candidate for President. “Independent” doesn’t just mean I’m independent of the two parties. It also means I’m independent of their traditional funders, all the corporate donors, Big Tech, Big Pharma, Wall Street, and the rest.  But let me Read more…

It Will Take a Grassroots Movement to Get Me on the Ballot in All 50 States

I’m reaching out to all of you about an important matter called ballot access. Because I’m running as an independent candidate, we have to tackle the massive challenge of getting on the ballot in all 50 states. That means collecting millions of signatures, which is going to end up costing us about $15 million. RFK, Jr.’s Policies + PoliticsRead More I’m reaching out to all of you about an important matter called ballot access. Because I’m running as an independent candidate, we have to tackle the massive challenge of getting on the ballot in all 50 states. That means collecting millions Read more…

Latest Polls Show My Path to Victory

New polls show a massive groundswell of support for my independent presidential campaign, which has sent shockwaves through the two major parties and the mainstream media. According to a new national poll by Quinnipiac University, I beat Trump and Biden among voters ages 18-34 RFK, Jr.’s Policies + PoliticsRead More New polls show a massive groundswell of support for my independent presidential campaign, which has sent shockwaves through the two major parties and the mainstream media. According to a new national poll by Quinnipiac University, I beat Trump and Biden among voters ages 18-34 with 38% of the vote compared to Read more…

How I Will Free America From Corporate Capture

Last month in Philadelphia, the home of American Independence, I announced myself as an independent candidate for president. My candidacy is not only about being independent from the two political parties. My goal is to make the federal government independent too — independent of the corporate and financial interests that have a merciless grip on our democracy. RFK, Jr.’s Policies + PoliticsRead More Last month in Philadelphia, the home of American Independence, I announced myself as an independent candidate for president. My candidacy is not only about being independent from the two political parties. My goal is to make the federal Read more…

Sign Petition: Tell Biden to Release JFK Assassination Files

On Wednesday, the 60th anniversary of President John F. Kennedy’s assassination, my campaign released a petition demanding President Biden keep his promise to release all JFK assassination documents as required by law. As the petition explains, the 1992 Kennedy Records Assassination Act mandated the release of all records related to the JFK assassination by 2017. Trump refused to do it. Biden refused to do it. What is so embarrassing that they’re afraid to show the American public 60 years later? RFK, Jr.’s Policies + PoliticsRead More On Wednesday, the 60th anniversary of President John F. Kennedy’s assassination, my campaign released a Read more…

How My Environmental Policy Will Unite Americans

In the halcyon days of 1960s environmentalism, environmental protection enjoyed broad public support across party lines. But as time passed, it became yet another wedge issue dividing our nation. Now that I am running for president as an independent RFK, Jr.’s Policies + PoliticsRead More In the halcyon days of 1960s environmentalism, environmental protection enjoyed broad public support across party lines. But as time passed, it became yet another wedge issue dividing our nation.  Now that I am running for president as an independent, Americans will have a chance to vote for an environmental agenda that can unify the country. That’s Read more…

Biden’s Carbon Pipeline — A Boondoggle for Big Oil Punishes Iowa Farmers

For 40 years, I’ve stood among the leadership of the environmental movement crafting sensible market-based solutions for reducing our deadly addiction to oil and coal. I believe that the human-induced greenhouse effect is an existential threat to civilization, but I do not insist that other people ascribe to my belief. RFK, Jr.’s Policies + PoliticsRead More For 40 years, I’ve stood among the leadership of the environmental movement crafting sensible market-based solutions for reducing our deadly addiction to oil and coal. I believe that the human-induced greenhouse effect is an existential threat to civilization, but I do not insist that other Read more…

Desmond Purpleson


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